Thursday, October 10, 2019

We are almost done with testing week!  I want to give a shout out to all of my St. Peter morning classes!  Due to testing literally going on all around us, students are required to be completely silent during their library time this week.  They have all done GREAT!!!!  We are going "old school" by using loose leaf paper to WRITE down what we want to communicate to each other.  Come on parents of the 70's, 80's and 90' remember the fun of "passing notes" in school!?!  The kids are really having a lot of fun with this, Jolly Ranchers and suckers, help too! 

The Halloween and "Scary" books are out and about, being circulated.  These are always a favorite with the students and so fun!

This is the only week we have to do this in the library, as Mrs. Luebbert does not demand a silent library (I can't keep silent either, hee hee!).  Next week we are going to celebrate the completion of testing, by breaking out the Legos!

Have a good weekend and find a good book to read and relax with.

Your book loving librarian,

Mrs. Luebbert

Thursday, October 3, 2019

We are having a great start to the school year, in the library! 

Students are diving into all of the new books purchased and processed over the summer.  We are also using wonderful teamwork to create with the various Maker-space tubs, completing puzzles of all sizes, mastering checker and chess games, coloring to relax and recharge, and expanding our vocabulary and spelling skills with Scrabble and Hang Man!

The students are also increasing their points with completing Reading Counts Quizzes and utilizing the computers to work on homework/school projects.

The energy in the library is positive and amazing!  I hope your child is enjoying themselves as much as I am!

Mrs. Luebbert