Friday, September 18, 2020

Can you feel it?  Can you smell it?  Fall is in the air!  This is a perfect time to grab a cup of hot apple cider and find a cozy spot to read a great book!

I always love this time of year!  Nightfall comes a little earlier and can make me a bit sad.   I know, however, that more indoor time does mean that I can fit in more reading!  

This is the time of year, that I get the boxes of Halloween, Fall, and Thanksgiving books out of storage.  The students love them and I do too!

While we did get many of the books sent home over the lock-down back, there are a number of them still out.  I have been sharing with students who owe me books, to search at home.  I will be emailing parents, over the next week or two.  If you get an email from me, please take a look around your home, vehicle, etc. for them!  I'm not so much worried about when they get back, just that they do!!!!

Enjoy the cooler weather, stay safe, and enjoy a great book!