Friday, September 30, 2022

 We are off to a great start in the library this year!  I hope students will find a series they absolutely love!

Please let me know if I can ever help your student find just the right book!

Mrs. Luebbert

Thursday, May 12, 2022


It has been a great year in the library!  

I encourage students to continue to read over the summer.  The public library offers some great summer programs and activities, as well as a wonderful variety of books for all reading levels.  If you do not have a library card for your child, I encourage you to obtain one.  It is free and easy!

Please keep our school library in mind over the summer, if you go through your child's books.  What is no longer interesting to one child, will likely be fascinating to another child!  The cost of books has increased a lot, and I love getting gently used ones, to add to our circulation collection or to replace worn-out books.  

We can also always use new crayons, markers, construction paper, cardstock, etc., for students to enjoy using during their library time!

I love watching your children's confidence and joy in reading increase each year, and I look forward to another great year!

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

 Happy Catholic Schools week!

Today is also the 100th day of school!

It has been so wonderful to have the students actually in the library each week.  I feel so blessed to be "in person", as so many schools still are not.  St. Peter Catholic School is lucky to have such a beautiful, HUGE space to call their library.  Never has spacing students apart, been this important.  We are easily able to do so in the library.

Students are more stressed than ever, due to Covid.  I try to make library time a fun and relaxing one for them.  One of the best parts of my job is getting to have such wonderful variety in my day.  The library of the school is sort of like the kitchen of the home!  It is a place where everyone gathers!

Students have checked out a total of 7,642 books, so far this school year.  Needless to say, our students are strong readers!  There is no such thing as a child who hates reading, they simply have not come across the right books!

The library is always thrilled to receive new and gently used books.  I use them to replace worn copies and never let a book go to waste!

My hope is that everyone is able to have winter days, filled with warm drinks and good books to read!

Mrs. Luebbert